Architecture Tip: Mermaid Diagrams

If you are like me, you love coding. There is little else you would rather be doing. But that’s not the only thing we have to do, is it? There’s a lot of ceremony that comes with writing software. Ticketing systems. Documentation. Architectural diagrams. Emails. As we go along, less and less of our time is actually spent coding. So here’s a tip to get you back to the good stuff a bit faster if you’re still doing all of your scribbles in Visio.

Check out this flow diagram:

Pretty slick right? Probably took an hour to put together, at least right? Nah, easy. Go to and paste this in:

title Blog Post Authoring Workflow

participant Author
participant WordPress
participant Database

note over Author
Great idea for a blog post!
end note

Author->WordPress:New post

    Author->+WordPress:Save draft

    Author->WordPress:Preview post
    Author->WordPress:Edit post

Author->+WordPress:Publish post

note right of Database
TBD: Is DB replicated?
end note


note over Author
todo: Work on \nPulitzer Prize \nacceptance speech
end note

I’m not sure exactly what to call that syntax. I think a Mermaid Sequence Diagram is most accurate? In any case, I call it a major timesaver! I use these all the time to transpose whiteboards, document designs, explain things to people, write tickets, whatever so I can get back to coding.

You can save them as simple text files and include them in repos like you would markdown files. Documentation as code?

If you use Visual Studio Code, check out: Mermaid Preview

I haven’t found anything yet for proper Visual Studio, sadly. Share in the comments please if you know of something!

Update: It looks like mermaidjs has an in-browser live editor that supports more of the diagram types: Instructions for how to run in a container can be found here:

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